Child Abuse and Neglect Injury News
Find out what is happening that is relevant to your child’s abuse or neglect claim. Here, you can find relevant stories from the news and information about our firm and our commitment to helping kids recover.
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In Oklahoma, Dr. Robert Block, child abuse medical expert, leads the way in bringing “correct science to the judicial system”.In November (2009), eligible physicians will take the child abuse board examination in their final step towards becoming board certified in the medical subspecialty of child abuse. A leader among child abuse experts, Dr. Block, is pushing forward with the shared endeavor to cultivate evidence-based child abuse medical science.
Child Abuse board certification is the next step for physicians in this growing sub-specialty of pediatric medicine.Child abuse board certification will be offered this fall. The American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes the new sub-specialty in pediatric medicine. Physicians may enter into fellowship programs at medical centers to specialize in child abuse.
In California, Children’s Hospital Central California received a four million dollar pledge to fund child abuse prevention programs.The Keane Law Firm seeks to raise public awareness about child abuse, child abuse prevention and the rights of children that have been catastrophically injured. In California, Children’s Hospital Central California received a four million dollar pledge to fund child abuse prevention programs.
In Las Vegas, authorities report an increase in child abuse cases compared to 2008. Authorities attribute the increase in child abuse to parental stress response to the poor economy and loss of jobs.In Las Vegas, authorities report in increase in child abuse and child death 2009 cases compared to 2008. Authorities largely attribute this to parental stress response to record level unemployment and home foreclosures.
In New Zealand, the incidence of child abuse is decreasing due to increased pubic awareness and growing intolerance of child abuse.Studies have shown that primary prevention through community and parental-education programs are effective methods for reducing the incidence of child abuse in the United States. New Zealand is reporting a drop in child abuse attributable to their public awareness campaigns.
Flordia Man Arrested After Swinging & Throwing Infant Against Couch | California Child Abuse Lawyer in San FranciscoA man from Florida was arrested after admitting to swinging a baby by his leg and throwing the infant against the couch multiple times. Medical evidence reveals head trauma and other injuries resulting from child abuse.
- The history of National Child Abuse Prevention Month -This story provides a brief overview about the history of April being child abuse prevention month.
News stories across the country report a rise in the occurrence of domestic violence, child abuse and shaken baby syndrome due to the economy.Across the country, hospitals are seeing a rise in admissions for child abuse and shaken baby syndrome, courts are experiencing an increase in requests for protection orders and domestic abuse agencies are experiencing a rise in call volume due to the economy.
In New Mexico, new proposed legislation by State Senator Mary Jane Garcia will put family members in jail for not reporting known child abuse.Family members that do not report child abuse in their families will be guilty of a felony and go to prison along with the child abusers.
In Oregon, the Department of Human Services (DSS) asks that you report child abuse to the DSS or the local police department without delay. You may save the life of a child.